
Best Way To Make Money Ac Origins

How to earn Drachma fast and how to spend it well? Gold Making in Assassin's Creed Origins Guide

Here, you can find a few tips that will allow you to earn money (Drachma) in Assassin's Creed: Origins. You can also learn how to spend them well. You won't gather a fortune (at least not quickly). Each chance that allows you to earn Drachma should be used well. You should also think hard before you make a buy.

  • Earning money
  • Spending money

Earning money

Warning - Completing quests in Assassin's Creed: Origins won't give you money. The main motivation for completing them is to get XP.

Careful exploration is the main source of coins - How to earn Drachma fast and how to spend it well? - FAQ - Assassins Creed Origins Guide

Careful exploration is the main source of coins. Each use of Animus Pulse scans an area around you. This also shows, for a limited time, small icons near all interactive objects. Examine them all. Each container has a few to a dozen of Drachma. It isn't much but there are numerous occasions where you can find a few containers standing next to each other which means that you can get more coins. You can also, from time to time, come across more valuable findings, e.g. a locker with 200 Drachma.

During your exploration of the world you can find trinkets (example in the picture) - How to earn Drachma fast and how to spend it well? - FAQ - Assassins Creed Origins Guide

During your exploration of the world you can find trinkets (example in the picture). They are items that can't be used by the hero. They can only be sold. You can sell them to any of the merchants. Hold any of the directional buttons on a d-pad while you are in the trade screen to sell all trinkets.

Another way of getting money is to sell useless weapons - How to earn Drachma fast and how to spend it well? - FAQ - Assassins Creed Origins Guide

Another way of getting money is to sell useless weapons. However, in order to sell them you must reach a blacksmith. Before you sell a given item, you must be sure that you don't need it or that it isn't better than the one that you are currently using.

Warning - You can also dismantle useless weapons and get crafting resources. However, this method isn't recommended because there are other ways of getting resources (exploration, killing animals, attacking transports etc.).

The next method is to hunt wild animals that can leave trophies (an example in the picture) - How to earn Drachma fast and how to spend it well? - FAQ - Assassins Creed Origins Guide

The next method is to hunt wild animals that can leave trophies (an example in the picture). The mechanism is the same as with the trinkets - trophies aren't used in crafting, you can only sell them.

Spending money

All your Drachma should be spent on only one thing - upgrading your gear - How to earn Drachma fast and how to spend it well? - FAQ - Assassins Creed Origins Guide

All your Drachma should be spent on only one thing - upgrading your gear. Each item has a certain level that determines its quality. This means that, over time, a given item won't be as useful anymore when Bayek gets a few levels (e.g. he gains 5 levels). This is because you can find new items with much better stats. Of course, you can regularly change your gear but some weapons are useful enough to be worth upgrading. You can do that by selecting the right option in trader's screen.

Warning - Upgrading legendary and very rare weapons costs much more. But despite that you can decide to invest in them if they are good for your playstyle (e.g. they poison enemies or increase effectiveness of your critical hits). If you decided to upgrade a legendary weapon then you should stick with it for a little bit longer to make that decision worthwhile (you can lose a lot of money by selling them later).

Don't spend Drachma on:

  • Buying new outfits from traders - They don't change stats of your hero, only his appearance.
  • Buying new weapons from blacksmiths - You can find a lot of weapons in the game's world - you can get them from fallen enemies or chests. There are a lot of them which means that you can focus on picking up only those that are useful for your playstyle.

Best Way To Make Money Ac Origins


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