How To Get Money In Fifa 20
Paul loves playing video games; especially when it comes to Minecraft!
There are a lot of FIFA 21 Ultimate Team money-making guides out there which will tell you the same thing over and over again: "buy low, sell high," "invest," "price-fix." Most will give you these general guidelines, but none of them have in-depth tutorials of what to actually do!
Making a profit is not about making hundreds of thousands of coins on one lucky trade. Instead, aim to make little profits which add up in the long term. You can spend weeks trying to find an In-Form Ronaldo for 20K and chances are that only one or two will be auctioned for that price and you'll probably miss them. Or, you can spend five minutes an hour making tens of thousands of coins a little at a time.
The introduction of price caps has hindered many players' ability to make money. I do not believe this is the case. The caps can be used to our advantage.

Mass Bidding
I'm sure you've heard of this one before, but probably not in detail. Here's the method:
- Choose a player who is popular and in demand. For this example, say I chose Marchisio as he is a high-rated center midfielder in a popular league, with a popular club, from a popular country.
- Find out what price he goes for on average. The way I do this is to find his lowest Buy Now price on the market and round up. Use your best judgment, but if you don't feel confident, just add 200 coins to his price. In this case, Marchisio's average price is 5200.
- Once you have found their average Buy Now price, subtract 5% away to account for EA's tax. For Marchisio, 5200 x 95% = 4940.
- On average I try to make at least 250 coins of profit per player. Since Marchisio is a relatively expensive player I realized that bidding 4500 on him and selling for 5200 (4940 after tax) would give me a profit of 440 coins! Now, this may not seem like much, but let's say that I bid on 60 Marchisio cards, I'm going to get outbid on about 75% of them, that's a fact. So I'll end up with, say, 15 cards, which when multiplied by 440 is 6600 coins! And that took me, at most, 10 minutes of work.
- Once an hour, repeat this process of bidding and listing all the cards you've won. If you do it for just four hours, you can make over 20,000 per day in profits.
Additional Tips
- Mass bidding works with almost any Gold player worth more than 2,000. With experience, you can start trying with rare Silver players, who are in lower supply and, in some cases, higher demand. However, people don't usually bid on Silver players, leaving the market fairly open.
- Be smart and patient. If you're trying to make 1,000 profit on someone worth 3,000, you'll fail. Even making only 250 coins on a player can add up in the long term. 10,000 per day is 3.6 million in a year, all before playing a single match.
- Don't give up after two days because you're not efficient. Efficiency will come with time, and after a couple of weeks, you'll realize how much money you've actually made!
- You don't have to do this with just players! I also use this method with Silver fitness squads. I bid 1000 on each of them (800 after TOTW) and sell them for 1400, giving me a profit of 330 each! If they all sell (which is rare), a full trade pile of these every hour is an easy 16,500. Normally I get closer to about 12,000 an hour.

59th Minute Method
This is my least-preferred method, but a lot of people like it. Basically, this is a way to score players who have been undervalued on the auction market. Sometimes, out of ignorance or error, people put a player up for auction for less than he's worth. The aim of this method is to scoop up these players before anyone else. I should also note that you're probably never going to find a Messi for 200 coins, but you may find players selling for 3,000 or 4,000 under what they're worth.
By default, a player will be up for auction for one hour, and if you search through the players available for Buy Now with 59 minutes left to sell. Generally, getting to the 59th minute on the auction interface is a very lengthy process, but there are two ways to combat this:
1. Choose a Team
When I tried this method, I was unfamiliar with most of the market but since I had made a Chelsea team before, I was pretty knowledgeable about the prices.
Also, it's pretty easy to write down the prices of 20 players, which is what I did. Then I searched for Club: Chelsea and Max Buy Now Price: 1,000,000, so that all the Chelsea players would show up. Then I pressed Next Page for about five minutes until I ended up at the players in their 59th minute.
Every time I refreshed the page there was a new bargain, and after about two hours I had made a steady 40,000 on about 70 players. I probably averaged about 500 coins per player, but they definitely added up.
2. Cheat Engine
If you're familiar with Cheat Engine, then you may know that you can use it to get to the 59th minute in almost no time. It allows you to see the whole market, rather than just one team. Take a look at the video below to see how to use Cheat Engine.
What I personally found best was to use Barclay's Premier League as a search term and use Cheat Engine to get to the 59th minute. I would advise you that you combine both methods. Try using other leagues with less competition for players for more sales.
This is for "FIFA 18," but the same method still works!
Fun and Easy Ways to Make Coins
Apart from trading, there are a few other ways to make money.
1. Playing Matches
This method is not only fun but in the last two FIFA games, they have included the Seasons feature in Ultimate Team. This adds a whole new level to money-making as it combines the fun of playing with a good way to make a few extra coins on the side. Playing three or four seasons on the weekend can add up to roughly 30,000 coins if you do well.
2. Buying Coins
This method is often frowned upon, by members of the FIFA community and EA themselves. The fact is though, most coin-selling sites have brilliant rates—$10 for 100,000 is brilliant. Spending $10 on FIFA Points and buying packs can get you around 25,000, maybe more if you're lucky.

A Few More Tips
Take note of Current Events
If a player is doing well, his price may rise. The best example of this was Gareth Bale. He was 14,000 before his run of good form and ended up at 80,000 at the end of FIFA 13.
There is also a price drop right after TOTW is released because more and more people are buying packs. Finally, there is usually a market crash after Christmas due to the increased number of people playing.
List a Player on Three List Cycles Before Lowering His Price
This creates the best chance of them selling. If selling a large number of one item (such as 50 Silver Squad Fitness cards), list them all for one hour. If you are listing one or two expensive players, like Iniesta, I would list him for 5,000 above the lowest
Buy Now Price for six to twenty-four hours, depending on how much time you have. Players like Iniesta, or any expensive (60,000+) player, can fluctuate by thousands of coins throughout the day, so there's a chance that your card could become relatively cheap and sell.
Mass Bidding | 59th Minute Method | Playing Matches | Buying Coins | |
Time Consumption | Only 10 minutes every hour | Constant, very time consuming | Constant, very time consuming | Instant |
Profit | 12K an hour | Up to 40K an hour, may take luck | About 6K an hour | Unlimited |
Other | Lots of options and always reliable | May be unreliable, depends on market | Fun but very slow money | Frowned upon and costs real money |
CharlesLin on July 28, 2020:
Your post really impressed me, I love the Fifa game. And there are many funny games here: We can be friends to play and have more fun.
JohnResigned17 on July 17, 2020:
Nice article, try to follow this post about how FIFA packs work
Then it's easier and you earn more.
MIke on November 08, 2019:
Finally been making millions thanks to this autobuyer:
Easy and Safe, can recommend 100%!!
DarĂo Gonzalez on March 03, 2019:
I loved what you shared, I will combine with what I'm doing to improve my results
doublez on April 09, 2018:
Great way to make money with Fifa, agree. However, a lots of people made money with
Kylemccafferty Hotmail on January 06, 2018:
I tried to get fifa 18 coins
Johnny1 on October 22, 2017:
Amazing tips
CharlesD12 on October 22, 2017:
Made so many coins the last couple of days thanks to this:
Works great!!
Ashton on January 18, 2017:
Is this Xbox one FIFA 17? Otherwise these tips are pretty good!
Bojangles on October 06, 2015:
Last yr in FUT 15 I found Dani Alves was always excellent to turn a profit after the transfer market was capped. I think I had $60 000 coins, and would just mass bid at $6 800. Then list for $7 400 with 3 hours. 90% of the time people would just "buy now" for that price as majority had the buy now between $8 500 and $10 000. Just making $230 coins profit in mass numbers adds up quickly.
Just need to do research on what players are currently overpriced and where the gap is. NTEP is one who could be interesting as a lot of listings around $6 000, however most people are only buying at the $2 000 range after the first wkend, with a lot going unsold.
gene on August 15, 2015:
try to get 200,000,000 coins today
Aryu on August 03, 2015:
Hi! I wanted to buy messi but the cost is too high what do I do???
shad on May 25, 2015:
Can u please make it clear. Its difficult to understand.I want an easy and effective technique
Kooz on April 08, 2015:
So does the mass bidding technique still work after the EA price range system?
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on April 03, 2015:
just follow these guidelines
jamie on April 01, 2015:
hi man
i have about 5k but i just got fifa 15 recently so how should i make profit
callum on March 05, 2015:
I've found that this also works with in forms, been buying busquets for 70k and they actually sell for 110k that's 35k from 1 player and I've sold about 15 all in about 5 days, I sell about 2 a day and I keep checking the lowest bin as he has been rapidly going up in price but has stalled at about 75-80k because of totw, motm and special packs but i have been doing this with many in forms like gignac, 87 tevez was the best but it could have been better, bought him for 480k and later sold him for 1.1 million, this was only because he was ecpected to get a player upgrade but he rose to 2.2 million I
CAB-power on March 03, 2015:
So, when I get to the 59th minute I buy the players right away from "buy it now" based on the prices that I already researched to make sure they are accurate, then I add 300 coins and put them back in the market with a cero (0) coins to start and a buy it now price with the 300 coins added, I do this with every player correct? I don't have much so I'll start buying like one or two from Chelsea like you stated above correct? Once they sell I just do it over and over again. Is that right?
soccerball on February 12, 2015:
i bought hazard for three thousand and sold him for 690k, 687k profit.....lika boss
Giovy on January 09, 2015:
mass bidding does not work on pc... not enough players to buy... i tried with Ibarbo but you just can't bid on 60 Ibarbo at the right price because simply there aren't enough out there... i ended up with 7 ibarbos and 2400 profit... but it took hours to win them all and sell them all... it works but it is just not that effective,..
Jordan auker on December 30, 2014:
Was it good that i got marco reus and bought another ( 100 k btw )
And sold both for 110 k eack ???
billy on November 24, 2014:
Any idea were can get a list of prices for all kits and badges
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on November 19, 2014:
just because its fun
Nikhil Mehta on November 19, 2014:
Hi Ryan/everyone else,
So just a really honest question. I've begun playing FUT and started collecting coins, etc. However, i still don't see the real point of making coins when we are anyway going to spend it on players at some point and use these players to PLAY the game! Why do we waste so much time and effort in trying to buy coins for players? Say if i DO have all the best players in my team, what's next in it for me? I mean- i'm still trying to figure out the whole deal of FUT. Why can't people just play normal seasons matches with real teams instead of spending time on FUT and the transfer market? The worst is that FUT starts afresh every year.. So we have to rebuild / redo our team every year??
Firdaus on November 08, 2014:
Hye ryan.. Im a malaysian btw..and your tips are awesome!! Thank u so much!! I tried on the mass bidding.. First try on players..and then on silver team fitness. And i start making money little by little. This is more fun than playing the games. As for me on the mass bidding, i always try to find the min and max buyout clause cause I didn't want to wait on the bidding. If lucky enough, i can get a card for silver team fitness around 500coins. Usually im buying around 10 its easy for me to track my loss n profit. Then i put it back for auction at least min 1000coins and 1500coins for the max buyout clause(buy now). In case someone bidding..the bidding start at 1000coins, automatically im on a 500coins profit already.. And if i more lucky..a desperate player will buy using the buy now clause..that is a 1000coins profit easily. And i keep repeating this method every hour, yes from 10 cards not all gonna sell at the next hour.. Keep selling and trying..finally all cards gonna be sold.. Try on players before..adel taarabt..hard to sell it back..and doesn't make to much profit coz there are wide variety of players to choose and to buy.. So for me..either this fitness or contract card is worth it.. thanks again bro!!
billy on November 06, 2014:
When price fixing say a kit what happens if u buy them then 5 mins later there is more on cheaper do u have to keep buying the cheaper 1s do u list altogether cheers
Victor on November 03, 2014:
How much do you think I can get balotelli or heguin for?
Ismashfifa on November 02, 2014:
Easiest thing to do is buy gold contracts or fitness at 150 and start price them at 200 and buy now at 250. People are always in a rush to buy contracts so they pay the extra 50 coins, this is only useful for people that are just starting mass bidding though.
Davide on November 01, 2014:
hey ryan what players do you suggest mass bidding on i currrently have 100k in the bank
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 24, 2014:
My advice would be to watch the match and if someone scores a goal then buy them straight away
Waje on October 23, 2014:
Hi Ryan, since the Classico is coming up I was wondering if some prices of players from both teams will rise? Is it safe to invest in some or their price might drop significantly? And yea I opened 35k pack and got alba,chillieni , Ramos and hazard:)
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 20, 2014:
i don't, i sell about 15-20% each time, but when you relist every hour from 6-9pm gmt most will sell
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 18, 2014:
try to sell them overnight on a 6 hour auction to end on non peak time (9am gmt) if they don't sell then lower by 250 coins each relist until they do sell and try someone who isn't as popular
fifa on October 17, 2014:
bought several fabregas card for 20k and been trying to sell for 23k to earn a profit of 1k per card. It's been more than 6 hrs and it is still sitting. Should I wait or just sell them for 22k and move on?
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 17, 2014:
just be persistent, its harder now since the most popular autobuyer has been released but it is possible on players
noname on October 17, 2014:
I have 10k and have been trying your mass bidding but havnt been successful. I can only make profit of 100 coins or less. Most times I get outbid on players. Any tips?
Anonymous on October 16, 2014:
Lol some idiot just put Hamsik and Higuain for 250 coins each. And now i got 15k for hamsik and 65k for higuain
Waje on October 16, 2014:
Great, this method promises A lot ,thanks.
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 16, 2014:
when totw comes out on a wednesday, buy as many informs as you can of a popular player from the totw 2 weeks before (release 2 wednesdays previously), hold them in your trade pile for 3 weeks then sell for about 25% profit
Waje on October 16, 2014:
Hi Ryan , I want to thank u for your methods that were very helpful for me. I started my money through mass bidding on gabi, then I discovered some players with many bargain bins. I learned the market and I can now expect how a player price could change. I have now 1 mil coin so my question for u is what's the best method for using these money? I wouldn't mind if they are risky.
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 16, 2014:
Thats all i know
billy on October 15, 2014:
Any other new methods m8 i can try ?
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 15, 2014:
Thunder on October 15, 2014:
I now have 5k do you know any players that are cheap and work with the mass bidding technique
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 15, 2014:
@ Michiel:
best time to bid is from 12-9 am uk gmt time, best time to buy now is 6-9pm uk gmt time
Michiel on October 15, 2014:
What do you think are the best times to trade? They always said that it would be at night, but now it's after 2 and I can't find any good deals atm.
billy on October 14, 2014:
Cheers will have look at him
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 12, 2014:
billy on October 12, 2014:
Done him already want to make more coins lol
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 11, 2014:
try aiden mcgeady
billy on October 11, 2014:
Ok i have 70k who do should i do mass bidding with to make profit cheers
Steve on October 10, 2014:
This may work after Fifa has been out a while, but this is plainly useless at this stage. I sit and watch folks frequently bid higher than the lowest available BIN auction surplus, clearly losing money. Or bidding to 950 when easily available at 1000 (sale = no profit).
Malcolm on October 10, 2014:
I list my team every hour whenever I am not playing for normally 10% more than they are worth, I am using a chelsea team and in 4 days I earned enough to buy Hazard in to the team. Happy days. Now working on building a Bundesliga team without having to sell Chelsea team.
billy on October 10, 2014:
Think u should put up 1 player a day who we can make money on m8
billy on October 09, 2014:
Is there a website u can get up to date player prices plz ?
billy on October 09, 2014:
Cheers just bought adien mcgeadady for 950 coins sold for 1.4k x40
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 09, 2014:
yes billy exactly what u said, to george you go to
george on October 08, 2014:
how do i download the fifa market on my computer?
billy on October 08, 2014:
Ok so once u buy the player then do u look for the lowest buy now and that's what u start ur start price just struggling a little thanks and do u add the amount coins ea was going to take from u ?
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 08, 2014:
if menez
BISHAL on October 08, 2014:
so sorry the first comment was incomplete i was going to say how i start trading now i have 85 k i can buy any one of them so which one would u prefer any suggestion
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 08, 2014:
you really don't have enough to buy any of those, i would recommend looking at my other hub which says the best players to trade with
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 07, 2014:
to billy: cicinho about 8.5k buy and 9.2k sell.
to foxor: i try to trade one player a day so that new prices don't affect me as much. set the buy now price to the sale price and the start price to just underneath that
foxor on October 07, 2014:
hi, i'll try to trade godin, so i searched the lowest BIN-price on (is this page ok?). the lowest BIN was 3,4k and i bought him for 3,1k-3,2k and tried to sell him for 3,6k. or is this to high?
now the prices for godin are propably sinking (BIN 3,3k). how do you react to new prices?
example: you want to offer a player for 3,5k: which price ist your BIN and which one ist your start-bid? do you offer both?
billy on October 07, 2014:
How much are u picking up cicinho for and much u selling him for m8
Also the 59 min is it best putting a max buy now price only really picked up lampard do u have utube channel cheers .
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 06, 2014:
dont be afraid to hold on to players for a while if they don't sell, keep relisting and they'll all get sold eventually, it would be good to move on to new players after about 10-20 have sold. Some players i have had success with are "assaidi" "diego costa" and "cicinho"
Johannes on October 06, 2014:
Ryan. I currently have 450k. could you suggest any player that's good for me?
Anyway this is my real question, and I have done this. I went for the defender koscienly or whatever his name is. His pricelock on the MARKET was 15750 so I decided to put up my koscienly players for 15500. So I bid 14250 and I would earn 500 coins. So I do that and I get around 7-10 players. Here's the point, I put them up BUT that means I price lock him at 15500 and it makes it harder for me to sell them, and other people start to put the buy out price on 15500. How should I do it?? Should I only buy three players and then move on to a next player? I get the idea with mass bidding but I only find one problem with this, and that's that you price lock a player yourself and other people start selling the player for the same price! Hope you understand me! Any advice would be help full.
billy on October 04, 2014:
Thanks for that slowly gertting snapped lampard up 750 buy now 59 min
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 04, 2014:
people put stuff up for 1 hour usually, so anything around the 59th minute is brand new on the market so this is where all the bargains can be snapped up. And yes it works with most 1k players, premier league works best
billy on October 04, 2014:
Can u tell me will that work on most players under 1000 coins and also how does the 59 min work plz thank you
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 04, 2014:
Yes that's correct
billy on October 04, 2014:
Ok is this right bought naismith for 350 coins the average buy now is 550 so would i start price at 450 and buy now at 550
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 04, 2014:
your methods are really good methods for fifa, the key to making money is lots of small profits, if you try your mirallas method for more expensive players you may get higher profits but the key is patience. don't expect to make 50k per trade.
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 02, 2014:
i would always put the sale price at one under the buy now price
Josh on October 02, 2014:
Hi, what would you start the sale price at or would you just put up a buy now price?
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on October 01, 2014:
Maybe try buying people such as Assaidi silver LW for around 55k during 5-7pm GMT and selling for around 65k on an auction to finish around 9am the next day
Dave on October 01, 2014:
Hey Ryan.
Currently doing some good trading with a 10k player and selling for 13k.
Have raised over 100k so far but looking for a player around 40/50k to increase profit. Any thoughts on in demand players around this price?
Alex on September 30, 2014:
Thanks Ryan, it's working well for me at the moment, sometimes pick up players with Artist or Deadeye chemistry styles on them for cheap and leads to bigger profits :) thanks again ryan
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on September 29, 2014:
@ alex pretty much right but you could go a few hundred lower on bids and constant checking of new cards being put up just to maximise profits
Alex on September 29, 2014:
Tell me if I've done this right. Okay I searched for pirlos cheapest by now which was 2,900 and bought about 5 of him the others were posted a few minutes later for like 2,500 and even 1 for 2,000. Anyway I put them all up for 3,000 coins bid and 3,100 buy now seeing as the least expensive buy now of most of em were 3,200
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on September 28, 2014:
the average price is normally about 5% more than the lowest buy now price of a player
lee from Lancing, West Sussex, England on September 28, 2014:
Not bad tips my friend, very in depth all though obviously buying coins is banned for Fifa 15. Good luck with your future hubs bud!
dax on September 28, 2014:
How do I find the average price of a player? I didn't understand that part
Sika on September 28, 2014:
How do I find average buy now and min buy now?
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on September 28, 2014:
yes you understood
MaximumNL on September 28, 2014:
So. If I understood it correct, I buy players for the lowest buy now and sell them for the average buy now.? please let me know if I interpretated that right.
mc on August 23, 2014:
yo man your a legend I tried your mass bidding method I made 121,000 profit in 24hrs
Samuel Franklin on August 22, 2014:
Extremely helpful guide! I've given up on FIFA14 for the moment but I had a similar setup pulling in 25k, I didn't even consider some of the tweaks that you recommend here, might be time to get back into it.
Threat on August 19, 2014:
Thanks man
jimbob on July 12, 2014:
So should buy torres for 1000 and sell him for 1200
Brennan on July 11, 2014:
I can't seem to get much profit from the mass-bidding. I try to get Pique (from FC Barcelona) at ~1800 coins, but it takes a while to just get one card (at any time of the day/week) because someone almost always outbids me. Since a lot of people are trying to buy low, no one will buy any higher than the average. I usually only make about 100 coins profit (I usually make the starting bid 1900 and the BIN for 2100, but a lot of times, no one will bid because of the reason stated 2-3 lines up.) Any ideas?
martin on July 01, 2014:
Im selling player contracts ( rare silver) i bought them about of 600 coins and sell them for about 1000 and in one day my transfers earning changed from -6,500 to 27,300
Elio Lamaa on June 22, 2014:
This package of Fifa coins will allow you to buy players or get position cards for your team.Good work.
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on June 03, 2014:
Probably around 25K will be enough for a cheapish player if you bid on around 20-30 of that player, then move on to more expensive players when you get around 50K
anon on June 03, 2014:
How much money do I need approx before I start using the mass bidding method?
Kevin on May 15, 2014:
Well, In my opinion, when doing this process you should consider reading the news and pay attention to the transfer market, so for example bale is discussing plans with real madrid that time, so buy bale at a cheap price first, and then when he moves to real madrid, sell him at a much higher price, but in the event that his transfer is unsuccessful you may want to use GG EA's method of changing the chemistry and then selling him at the auction, I am still looking out for cons in this method, if you have found any cons do tell me!
Femi on May 11, 2014:
U r a boss
Paul Laselle (author) from USA on April 26, 2014:
@serg: try bidding on formation cards and selling them for more until you have enough to use the methods above
@hraman710: maybe you are selling him for too high, look at current auctions to find a cheaper price to sell him at then I would advise making a cheap gold team to play with to make money
@fren: it is right before one hour which is the most commonly picked auction time, therefore the cards at 59th minute have been on the market the shortest time and tend to be cheaper
fren on April 24, 2014:
whts is 59th minute mean ?
hraman710 on April 24, 2014:
i have de rossi who is rated 84 and only 4100 in the bank. i just started playing yesterday . how do i get started without buying coins? i have almost no one to sell except de rossi but no one bids for my auctions, even when i ask for 5-6k
How To Get Money In Fifa 20
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